Eliana Costa e Silva Invited Auxiliary Professor at ESTGF - Polytechnic of Porto Member of Center for Research and Innovation Business Sciences and Information Systems (CIICESI, ESTGF-IPP) Collaborator at Centro ALGORITMI, University of Minho
Eliana Costa e Silva was born in Vila do Conde, Portugal, and went to University of Minho, where she studied Mathematics and obtained her degree in 2002. She has worked as a research assistant, on the team on Autonomous Robotics & Dynamical Systems, at University of Minho (Dept. of Mathematics for Science and Technology and at Dept. of Industrial Electronics), where she concluded her MSc in Mathematics and Applications to Mechanics in 2005. In 2009 she took a specialized formation course in Optimization Applied to Sciences and Engineering and in 2011 she got her PhD in the area of Automation and Robotics (PhD program on Electronics and Computers Engineering) with the theme Reaching, Grasping and Manipulation in Anthropomorphic Robot Systems. At the moment she is completing the Master in Statistics on statistical analysis and forecast of multivariate time series. Her research interests include mathematical modelling of industrial and engineering problems, optimization algorithms, robotics, and statistical data analysis. Since 2012 she has participated in the European Study Groups, where she worked on modelling and development of computational solutions to several industrial problems, including, Prediction model to textile parameter, Prediction model to textile parameter, Picking optimization, Optimal scheduling of the engine repair process.
Data: 20 de junho 2015
Local: Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Felgueiras (ESTGF), Laboratório 1.5 - edificío Lemos Pires
9h15 - Receção aos participantes
9h30 - Sessão de abertura
9h30 às 11h00 - Sessão I
Scilab - Open source software for numerical computation
- O que é?
- Comandos básicos e definição de variáveis
- Cálculo matricial
- Exemplo de aplicação 1: Matrizes e a Robótica
- Exemplo de aplicação 2: Matrizes e a Estatística Multivariada
11h00-11h15 - Intervalo
11h15-12h45 - Sessão II
A plataforma Wolfram Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine
- Introdução
- Exemplos de aplicação a Cálculo Diferencial e Integral
Inscrição aqui
- Gratuita para estudantes do universo IPP
- 3 Euros para restantes participantes
Numerus Clausus: 40
Voltar para Ciclo de Seminários Cientifico-Pedagógicos