One of the challenges facing the neuroscience field is the development of effective therapies that can enhance the regenerative capacity of the nervous system based on the advances achieved in basic research.
At the nanoBiomaterials for Targeted Therapies group we have been dedicated to using nanobiomaterials to both, design new tissue engineered neural in vitro models for target/drug discovery and develop nano-enabled new therapeutic approaches towards the enhancement of the process of nerve regeneration.
In this talk, I will discuss how we are exploring bioengineering to generate relevant macroglia tissue models to dissect new mechanobiology mechanisms and identify novel therapeutic targets, with expected impact in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, our strategies to design biomaterial-based nanoparticles for targeted nucleic acid delivery to neurons to promote neuroprotection and neuroregeneration will be presented. Two biomaterial-based vectors will be discussed: (i) polymeric nanoparticles based on thiolated trimethyl chitosan to mediate targeted gene delivery to peripheral neurons upon a peripheral and minimally invasive intramuscular administration; (ii) dendrimer based vectors for brain delivery in the aftermath of stroke. Emphasis will be given to the application of novel strategies proposed to assess the potential of the developed nanosystems and contribute to the design of more efficient nucleic acid delivery vectors. Namely, imaging flow cytometry, atomic force microscopy and microfluidic-based platforms.
CV - Ana Paula Pêgo
Ana Paula Pêgo obteve o seu doutoramento em Polímeros e Biomateriais pela Universidade de Twente, Holanda, em 2002. Em 2003 mudou-se para o INEB, onde se tornou Investigadora Principal em 2012.
Em 2015, o INEB integrou o i3S, onde Ana Paula Pêgo lidera o Grupo de nanoBiomateriais para Terapias Direcionadas.
Foi nomeada Diretora Científica do Centro de Bioimagem para Biomateriais e Terapias Regenerativas do INEB e é Professora Associada Convidada do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto.
Atualmente, Ana Paula Pêgo é membro do Conselho de Administração da i3S, sendo a Head of Strategy & Creation of Value Unit, é a Presidente da European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), atua como Associate Editor of Biomaterials (Elsevier journal) e faz parte do Board of Reviewing Editors of Science (AAAS).