Special Session #12
Dynamical Systems, Games and Applications
Alberto Pinto1, José Martins2
1LIAAD-INESC TEC and Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal, aapinto at fc.up.pt
2TLIAAD-INESC TEC and School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal, jmmartins at ipleiria.pt
Dynamical systems and game theory form a powerful combination of mathematical tools to describe a wide variety of systems in which agents interact over time. This session aims to bring together experts from both fields and create a high-profile forum for the discussion and analysis of mathematical modelling of systems. Applications in biology, social sciences, economy, engineering, and natural resources are welcome.
List of topics of interest:
Dynamical systems
Game theory
Mathematical modelling
Applications to biology, social sciences, economy, engineering, and natural resources.