Special Session #2

Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems
Carla Pinto1, Maíra Aguiar2, Ganna Rozhnova3, Alberto D’Onofrio4

1School of Engineering Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal, cap at isep.ipp.pt
2Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM – Bilbao), Spain, maguiar at bcamath.org

3University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherland, G.Rozhnova at umcutrecht.nl

4Computer Sciences for Complex Systems Lab, Università di Trieste, Italy, ALBERTO.D’ONOFRIO at units.it


Mathematical modelling of biological systems and processes is a growing field that makes use of various mathematical models and analysis techniques. This special issue (SI) highlights mathematical and computational approaches, to examine central problems in the biological sciences, ranging from the organizational principles of individual cells to the dynamics of large populations. It will contribute with reference texts for a broad audience of researchers, practitioners, and advanced students, in this rapidly growing field, which encompasses applied mathematics, experimental biology and medicine, computational biology, biochemistry, physics and computer science. Authors are kindly invited to submit their valuable manuscripts to this symposium.