Sapienza University, Italy

Title: Nonlinear wave propagation in metamaterials

Abstract: Wave propagation and stopband behavior of 2D lattices hosting nonlinear resonators made of suspended piezoelectric membranes with a central mass are discussed. A generalized nonlinear version of the plane-wave expansion method is proposed to deliver the nonlinear wave propagation equations.
The asymptotic treatment yielding the nonlinear dispersion functions is discussed. An exploration of the design process for semi-adaptively programmable metamaterials is offered, elucidating their potential for wave cloaking applications.

Bio: Walter Lacarbonara is a Professor of Nonlinear Dynamics at Sapienza University and Director of the Sapienza Center for Dynamics. During his graduate education he was awarded a MS in Structural Engineering (Sapienza University) and a MS in Engineering Mechanics (Virginia Tech, USA), and a PhD in Structural Engineering (Sapienza/Virginia Tech). His research interests cover nonlinear structural dynamics; dissipation in carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites; asymptotic techniques; nonlinear control of vibrations; experimental nonlinear dynamics; dynamic stability of structures. He is Editor in Chief of Nonlinear Dynamics, former Associate Editor for ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Journal of Sound and Vibration. He served as Chair of the ASME Technical Committee on Multibody System and Nonlinear Dynamics, General co-Chair and technical program co-Chair of the ASME 2015 (Boston, USA) and 2013 (Portland, USA) IDETC Conferences. He has organized over 10 international symposia/conference sessions and, very recently, the First, Second, and Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conferences (NODYCON,,, His research is supported by national and international sources (EOARD/AFOSR, NSF, European Commission, Italian Ministry of Science and Education). He has published over 250 papers and conference proceedings, 4 international patents (EU/USA/China), 24 book chapters, 6 co-edited Springer books and a single-authored book (Nonlinear Structural Mechanics, Springer, NY, for which he received the 2013 Texty Award nomination by Springer US.