You can increase the visibility of your works by:

1 - Creating profiles on reference online platforms

Google Scholar – Your Google Scholar profile provides an overview of your research and its impact, including the number of citations detected by Google. Additionally, you will receive a notification each time Google detects a new citation of your work. To create a profile, you need to have a Gmail account. You can find instructions on how to create your profile here. In the end, don't forget to make the profile public.

LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a well-known social network for professionals. Here you can share your publications, conference presentations, etc.

ResearchGate and other online platforms for researchers.

2 Making your research accessible

The vast majority of potential readers of your articles, who are not affiliated with a higher education institution, will not have access to scientific journals for free. Therefore, you must make your work more accessible in order to increase its visibility. Deposit a digital copy in RECIPP, the institutional repository of the Polytechnic of Porto. Providing an open access version of your work will help increase its visibility and, potentially, the number of citations.

Use Slideshare to share presentations from your participation in conferences and congresses, for example.

3 – Ale Ebrahim, N., Salehi, H., Embi, M., Tanha, F., Gholizadeh, H., Motahar, S. M. & Ordi, A. (2013). Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency. International Education Studies. 6(11), 93-99. DOI: 10.5539/ies.v6n11p93

4 – In this guide entitled How to showcase your research work to advance your career: A guide for researchers, from Web of Science, you can also learn about some useful strategies to promote your scientific production and your scientific career.