Who can deposit documents in RECIPP?

The teachers and researchers at the Polytechnic of Porto, and therefore, at ISEP.


What are the advantages of depositing with RECIPP?

The exponential increase in the number of citations, as documents will be freely available so they can be freely consulted and cited.

Automatic availability of documents on B-ON, RCAAP, OpenAire, Google Scholar, etc.

Access to reports and consultation statistics for your documents.

Preservation and perpetual access to documents through persistent web addresses.


What documents can be deposited?

Scientific articles

Communications presented at conferences and scientific congresses

Posters produced within the scope of conferences and scientific congresses

Books of a technical or scientific nature

Parts or chapters of books of a technical or scientific nature

Technical reports

Working papers

Public evidence

Master's Theses

PhD Theses

Class support manuals and other teaching materials that contain original content

Audiovisual material of an artistic or scientific nature


How to deposit?

1. From the Ciência Vitae platform, provided by the Foundation for Science and Technology, you have the option of sending documents to RECIPP, if you have indicated your ISEP/P.Porto affiliation in the “Professional Path” section. To make the deposit, access the list of your productions and click on the ellipsis icon to select the “deposit” option.

2. Alternatively, you can register with RECIPP using your institutional email. After receiving a message confirming the granting of permissions, you can access your Personal Repository Area and select the “deposit” option.


What about the copyright?

By depositing with RECIPP you continue to retain your copyright. You will only be granting the Polytechnic of Porto a non-exclusive distribution license.


Are all documents required to be freely accessible?

No. There are three possible types of access:

Open access (the full text of the document is freely and universally accessible);

Embargoed access (the full text of the document remains closed for a defined period);

Closed access (the full text of the document remains in perpetual closed access).


How do I know if the journal I want to publish in allows self-archiving in Institutional Repositories?

You can consult the self-archiving policy in institutional repositories of thousands of international and national periodical publications on the Sherpa/RoMEO project website. The lists presented classify the copyright and self-archiving policies of publishers and their publications, presenting a summary of the applicable conditions and contain a link to the publishers' websites. If you do not find a magazine on the platform, you can contact the publisher directly and ask for authorization to self-archive it in the Repository.


Do you have any doubts?

Send an email to biblioteca@isep.ipp.pt