Using author identifiers.

What are author identifiers?

In the scientific context, an author identifier is a persistent numeric or alphanumeric code, which allows a specific author to be uniquely distinguished in the digital environment. These author identifiers aim not only to uniquely identify an author, but also to aggregate all of their professional researcher/author information, namely their publications and affiliation.

What are the main author identifiers?

ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier is an international non-profit organization that created the platform with the same name, with the purpose of allowing the free registration of unique identifiers. At an international level, it is the most widely accepted identifier, and its use is even mandatory by several financing agencies worldwide. Therefore, its use by researchers is recommended.

CIÊNCIA ID, as well as CIÊNCIA VITAE, are managed by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology and are part of the “More Science, Less Bureaucracy” program, a rationalization, and administrative simplification program developed by the area of ​​science, technology and higher education. CIÊNCIA ID is the national identifier for all those carrying out research in Portugal, and is a requirement for applying for projects funded by the FCT.


Other author identifiers

Web of Science ResearcherID – This author identifier is associated with the Web of Science bibliographic database and allows the author to be distinguished from others with similar names within that database. After creating their registration, the author can save all their publications that appear on Web of Science in their profile.

Scopus Author ID – This author identifier is associated with the Scopus bibliographic database and presents the list of publications by a given author, as well as the citation count for each article. No registration is required, as Scopus creates a unique identifier for any author who has at least one article indexed in this database.

Google Scholar ID – It is an author identifier provided by Google Scholar. To create a profile, access Google Scholar and click on the My Profile option, accessing it with your Gmail credentials. After creating the account, log in to your profile and check the information presented. In some cases, it will be necessary to include, delete and merge references.