How to use the information?

Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Citing. To use the work of others ethically, and to avoid plagiarizing one should learn how to quote, paraphrase, and cite and insert the respective reference of the works (bibliographic references or bibliography).

There are standards that establish rules for making citations and bibliographic references.


APA Standards

The APA Standards (American Psychological Association) are an author-date citation system applied mainly in the area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities for creating citations and bibliographic references.


IEEE Standard

The IEEE Standard (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is a numerical citation system applied in the areas of electronics, technologies, computing, sustainable energy, communication, robotics, applied engineering and technologies, health.



Bibliographic reference management tools

These tools, namely Mendeley, Zotero and Endnote, allow the user to:

1 - Gather and manage all documents relevant to your work (bibliography), in PDF format or links, in one place (your library);

2 – Organize your bibliography into collections (folders);

3 – Add notes or underline PDFs;

4 – Create a document where you can insert various notations and reflections, in the Notebook, which you can then transfer and add to your research work;

5 – Insert citations and bibliographic references automatically into Word according to the desired standard;


Mendeley Reference Manager – Mendeley is a free reference manager, provided by Elsevier. In addition to bibliographic reference management features, it is also an academic social network, which allows online collaboration with other researchers, as well as discovering the latest research in your area of ​​interest.

Discover more here.


Zotero – It is a free and easy-to-use bibliographic reference manager that allows you to collect, organize, cite and share the results of your research. Developed by the Center of History and New Media at George Mason University.

Discover more here.