Who are we?
The GMOsensor project anticipates establishing an efficacious international network focusing on the development of innovative analytical devices (mainly DNA- and protein-based) for the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food and feed.

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Latest news
May 17, 2016
Desenvolvido material para analisar produtos transgênicos
News item from the São Carlos Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (Brazil)
October 13, 2015
O 007 dos Transgénicos Cientistas portugueses lideram investigação europeia para criar um biossensor que deteta transgénicos nos alimentos
Report in "Ponto de Partido" from Antena 1 (radio) (Portugal)
August 6, 2015
GMO & the GMOsensor project
News item from Rio4Agro (Río Cuarto, Argentina)
July 29-30, 2015
3rd GMOsensor WORKSHOP
Proteins-based vs. DNA-based strategies for GMO detection
UNRC, Rio Cuarto, Argentina
Info & Photos | Programme
May 25, 2015
"Biotec/UFPI recebe pesquisa internacional sobre milho e soja transgênicos"
News item from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) (Brazil)
March 12, 2015
GMO & the GMOsensor project
Report on GMO and the GMOsensor project included in TV USP Informa n.º 42, University of São Paulo (Brazil)
February 9, 2015
"Instituto de Física de São Carlos participa de rede internacional"
News item from the São Carlos Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (Brazil)
December 5-7, 2014
2nd GMOsensor WORKSHOP
Proteomics and Nanobiosensors: A new concept for GMO assessment
UFPI, Parnaíba, Brazil
Info & Photos | Programme
September 29, 2014
"La Universidad desarrolla técnicas para detectar alimentos transgénicos"
News item from Puntal (Argentina)
September 10, 2014
"Investigadores de la UNRC trabajan en sensores para alimentos transgénicos"
News item from the Nacional Córdoba (Argentina)
August 29, 2014
"Investigadores de la UNRC trabajan en el desarrollo de tecnicas de deteccion de transgenicos"
News item from theUniversidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC - Argentina)
July 25, 2014
"Investigadores de cinco países trabajan en técnicas de detección de transgénicos"
News item from the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físico - Químicas y Naturales - UNRC(Argentina)
May 20, 2014
"Pesquisadora portuguesa estuda milho e soja transgênicos no Piauí em parceria com UESPI e UFPI"
News item from the Universidade Estadual do Piauí (Brazil)
March 10-11, 2014
1st GMOsensor WORKSHOP
DNA Amplification Strategies for GMO sensing: Isothermal and Signal Amplification
UNIOVI, Oviedo, Spain
Info & Photos | Programme