CC BY-NC-ND “Associação de Turismo do Porto e Norte, AR”
It is our great pleasure to announce the Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 Symposium 2022: “Cutting-edge measurement science for the future”, which will be held in Porto, Portugal, from August 31st to September 1st, followed by a day MATHMET satellite workshop, on September 2nd, on mathematical and statistical applications related to the activity of the Technical Committees involved.
The Symposium is organized by the Portuguese Institute for Quality (IPQ), the Portuguese Association of Accredited Laboratories (RELACRE) and the School of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP), with the support of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) and the European Metrology Network for Mathematics and Statistics (EMN MATHMET).
The scope of the Joint Symposium covers a broad and diverse range of topics that are relevant to the following technical Committees of IMEKO:
     TC1 Education and Training in Measurement and Instrumentation
     TC7 Measurement Science
     TC13 Measurements in Biology and Medicine
     TC18 Measurements in Human Functions
Characterized by a highly multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature, the 2022 Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 Symposium aims at promoting the scientific debate among several segments within the wide range of applicability in the field of measurement and instrumentation for society, research, productive and regulatory sectors as a whole; in particular, pursuing contributions of measurement science to innovation and the improvement in human and social measurements as well as the enhancement of global quality of life with full guarantee of human and environmental health.
The proposed list of themes encourages the overcoming of challenges of integration of Measurement science concepts in all scientific fields so as to enable a new dialogue between the natural and Social Sciences.
The paper submission is opened from January 1 to February 28 (---> NEW DEADLINE: March 31 <---). More details and instructions for the conference can be found at the conference website call for papers.
You are also kindly invited to forward this announcement to your Colleagues.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Porto, at the Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 Symposium 2022!