December 2014

Cristina Delerue-Matos (project Coordinator), Fátima Barroso and Alexandra Plácido from ISEP and Maria Jesus Lobo (leader of the UNIOVI team) were in UFPI (Brazil) to assist and participate in the 2nd GMOsensor workshop and to discuss results and prepare new challenges.

From left to right: Rosana Fonseca (leader of the UPE team), Fátima Barroso (ISEP), José Ribeiro (UPE), Maria Jesus Lobo (leader of the UNIOVI team) and Nadir do Nascimento Nogueira Vice-Rector of UFPI (Brazil). Alexandra Plácido and Fátima Barroso from ISEP (Porto, Portugal) at the UFPI lab
José Roberto Leite (left; leader of the UFPI team) and Maria Jesus Lobo Castañón (right; leader of the UNIOVI team) with a participant of the 2nd GMOsensor workshop Cristina Delerue-Matos (Project Coordinator) and José Roberto Leite (leader of the UFPI team) at Parnaíba, Brazil with participants of the 2nd GMOsensor workshop.