Programa (PDF format)
Quarta Feira, 30 de Outubro de 2013
Workshop registration
13:30 – 14:00 - Registration desk at Sala de Eventos (A202)
14:00 – 18:30 - Room I204
Essentials of Learner-Centered Teaching - Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University, US
Conference registration
15:30 – 18:30 - Registration desk (E206)
Social event - Welcome Cocktail
19:00 – 20:00 - Casa do Infante
(Meeting at ISEP at 18:30 for transportation to the Welcome Cocktail venue)
Quinta Feira, 31 de Outubro de 2013
Conference registration
8:30 – 17:30 - Registration desk (E206)
Opening session
9:00 – 9:30 - Auditório E (E207)
Plenary session 1
9:30 -10:30 - Auditório E (E207)
Chair: Gustavo Alves
Educational quality in engineering, Invited speaker: Sebastião Feyo, University of Porto, PT
Accreditation in Engineering Courses, Invited speaker: Sérgio Santos, University of Minho, PT
10:30 – 11:00 - Auditório E (E207) lobby
Session A1- Designing Courses for Higher Order Thinking
11:00 – 12:30 - Auditório E (E207)
Chair: Ana Pavani
Co-Chair: Carlos Felgueiras
#4 - Lean learning academy: an international project for the development of an innovative framework for training of engineers on Lean Manufacturing - Carlos Carvalho, Manuel Lopes, Galrão Ramos, Paulo Ávila, Luis Fonseca, João Bastos and Ignace Martens
#9 - Engineering the future: A global Endeavor - An online course for transnational learning experiences with German and US students - Dominik May and Stephanie L. Moore
#45 - The European Project Semester at ISEP: Learning to Learn Engineering - Benedita Malheiro, Manuel Silva, Maria Ribeiro, Pedro Guedes and Paulo Ferreira
#65 - A joint academy-industry initiative for the development of an engineering program - João Cunha, Pedro Amaro and Luís Marques
#69 - Promoting problem solving skills and high order thinking in Geotechnical courses - Margarida Pinho-Lopes and Joaquim Macedo
Session A2 - Role of Engineers and Engineering Education in Society
11:00 – 12:30 - Sala de atos (E208)
Chair: José Couto Marques
Co-Chair: Maria Clara Viegas
#1 - Materials Scientists, Engineers and Product Designers:not so different after all - Arlindo Silva, Hannah Melia and Philippe Radlovic
#17 - Challenges of Engineering Education in a Global World - Isabel C. Teixeira and João Paulo Teixeira
#38 - Conceiving Modern Engineers within the Framework of the Sustainability Action Plan (PASUS) of ISEP: Sustainability Matters! - Nidia Caetano, Ana Meira, Luís Castanheira, Marílio Cardoso, António Silva and João Rocha
#44 - Portuguese engineering practice: Two empirical studies and a 15th century perspective - Bill Williams and José Figueiredo
#59 - Ethics and academic fraud among higher education engineering students in Portugal - Paulo Gama, Filipe Almeida, Ana Seixas, Paulo Peixoto and Denise Esteves
12:30 – 14:00 - Restaurante & Bar (F227)
Session B1 - Computers and Mobile Devices in Engineering Education
14:00 – 15:30 - Auditório E (E207)
Chair: Dominik May
Co-Chair: Maria Arcelina Marques
#18 - Application of a Mobile Personal Learning Environment to a Computer Science subject - Miguel Conde and Francisco Peñalvo
#24 - Tool to Support Computer Architecture Teaching and Learning - Bruno Nova, António Araújo and João Ferreira
#29 - Remote Experimentation Using Mobile Devices - André Fidalgo, Willian Rochadel and Juarez Silva
#71 - Interactive simulators: a contribution to link theory and applications in the teaching of chemical processes - Maria Rasteiro
#74 - Using games to teach programming - Karel Perutka, Petr Hrubos and Tomas Sedlak
Session B2 - Problem solving and creativity
14:00 – 15:30 - Sala de atos (E208)
Chair: Stephanie Farrell
Co-Chair: João Paulo Teixeira
#16 - Creative Thinking in Chemical Product and Process Design Education - Isabel João and João Silva
#33 - Unblinding a Braille machine - a case study of reverse problem-based learning - Ricardo Silva, Ricardo Moreira, Luis Gouveia and Manuel Felgueiras
#36 - More activity, less lectures: a technology stewardship approach applied to undergraduate engineering learning - Pedro Neto and Bill Williams
#55 Teaching and learning mathematical modelling and problem solving: a case study - Dag Wedelin, Tabassum Jahan, Tom Adawi and Sven Andersson
#70 - 2,4,6–trichloroanisole evolution during cork stabilization: The contribution of a Masters’ student internship to the resolution of an industrial problem - Diva Correia, Maria Pinto, Luis Castro and Maria Pinheiro
15:30 – 16:00 - Auditório E (E207) lobby
Session C1 - Using Online Tools to Facilitate Learning
16:00 – 17:30 - Auditório E (E207)
Chair: Carlos Sá da Costa
Co-Chair: Celina Pinto Leão
#23 - WIDE an Interactive Web Integrated Development Environment to Practice C Programming in Distance Education - Mohammed Serrhini and Abdelazziz Ait Moussa
#37 - A Mobile Platform for Open Learning based on Serious Games and Remote Laboratories - Iñigo Iturrate, Gustavo Martín, Javier García-Zubia, Ignacio Angulo, Pablo Orduña, Olga Dziabenko, Gustavo Alves and André Fidalgo
#41 - Visualization of electric field lines in an engineering education context - Renato Sousa, Paulo Garcia, Vítor Marinho and Ana Mouraz
#63 - Ethic in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games - Veronika Abramova and Jorge Bernardino
#78 - Insights on web-based peer review: a case study with energy engineering students - Caroline Dominguez, Ana Maia, Daniela Pedrosa, Maria Nascimento
Session C2 - Mathematical Competences and Computational Tools for Teaching Mathematics in Engineering
16:00 – 17:30 - Sala de atos (E208)
Chair: Eduarda Pinto Ferreira
Co-Chair: João Paulo Barros
#10 - Teaching linear algebra in Portugal: patterns in the use of technology in engineering courses - Ricardo Gonçalves and Cecília Costa
#14 - Learning “Power Series” in the context of mathematical software and informatics enviroments - José Magalhães, Floriano Viseu and Paula Martins
#15 - An Innovative Degree in Mathematical Engineering in the Portuguese Education System - Submission Process and Evaluation - Jorge Santos, José Matos, Teresa Araújo, Manuel Cruz, Sandra Ramos and Ana Moura
#47 - Math diagnostic test in engineering: Dublin Institute of Technology and Coimbra Institute of Engineering - Carla Fidalgo, Emília Bigotte, João Branco, Vanda Santos and Michael Carr
#61 - The teaching of mathematics in engineering degrees: ACAM-Assessment of competences/improvement actions - Maria Emília Bigotte de Almeida and Carla Fidalgo
Social event - Conference dinner
20:00 – 23:00 - Burmester Port wine cellars
(Meeting at ISEP at 19:30 for transportation to the dinner venue)
Sexta Feira, 1 de Novembro de 2013
Conference registration
8:30 – 12:00 - Registration desk (E206)
Plenary session 2
9:00 – 10:30 - Auditório E (E207)
Chair: Teresa Restivo
Industry-Academia cooperation as a driving force for wealth and jobs creation, Invited speaker: José Nunes, Petrochemical, Chemical and Refining Industries Association, PT
Promoting and disseminating science & engineering to society - Invited speaker: Vasco Trigo, Autonomous Univ. of Lisbon, PT
10:30 – 11:00 - Auditório E (E207) lobby
Session D1- Research Aspects in Engineering Education
11:00 – 12:45 - Auditório E (E207)
Chair: Francisco García-Peñalvo
Co-Chair: Maria Benedita Malheiro
#26 - Engineering Education Research in Portugal: an emergent field of study - Natascha Hattum, José Oliveira and Bill Williams
#39 - Peer Observation of Teaching at U.Porto: A multidisciplinary approach to peer observation of teaching - João Pêgo, José Ferreira, Ana Mouraz and Amélia Lopes
#42 - Shedding light on important mentorship relationships issues in advanced engineering education - Celina Leão and Ana Ferreira
#46 - Learner Autonomy in Higher Education: towards a validation of the PRO-SDLS scale to Portuguese engineering students - Marina Duarte
#56 - Managing Informal Learning in Engineering Contexts - Clara Viegas, Maria Marques, Gustavo Alves, Nikolas Galanis and Francisco Peñalvo.
#60 - Curricular Unit Specification for Programme Assessment -- Fostering teacher reflection, while improving course catalogues - João Barros
Session D2 - Case Studies in Engineering Education
11:00 – 12:45 - Sala de atos (E208)
Chair: Caroline Dominguez
Co-Chair: João Cunha
#25 - A Simulation Platform for Automation Teaching - Nuno Canadas, Carlos Barros, Jose Machado and Filomena Soares
#43 - Students’ perspectives on Remote Physiological Signals Acquisition Experiments - Carla Barros, Celina Leao, Filomena Soares, Graça Minas and José Machado
#48 - Concept Maps and Learning Objects: Part 2 - Ana Pavani
#73 - Modelling and Kinematic Simulation of Mechanical Toys - Pedro Vasconcelos and Jorge Lino
#77 - Training - Examples of multimedia content for distance learning - Maria Rasteiro, Alberto Cardoso, Rita Gomes and Tiago Santos
#79 - An Industrial Robotics Course Based on a Graphical Simulation Package - Manuel Silva
12:45 – 14:00 - Restaurante & Bar (F227)
Project GAVIOTA Technological Fair (Parallel event)
14:00 – 17:00 - Room A202
Session E (all papers are in Portuguese) - Ethics and General Perspectives in Engineering Education
14:00 – 15:30 - Room H202
Chair: Alberto Cardoso
Co-Chair: Raul Cordeiro
#32 - Relacionamento entre Disciplinas Integradoras e Competências e Habilidades Necessárias para a Formação do Engenheiro - Fabiana Mendes, David Marinho, Tainara Reis, Eduardo Xavier, Ana Ferreira and Daniel Arboleda
#64 - De Estudante em Engenharia a Engenheiro de I&D - Tiago Andrade
#72 - Gestão Estratégica do Conhecimento: uma proposta de formação profissional - Ana Sohn, Casarotto Filho, Filipa Vieira and João Artur De Souza
#76 - Ética no Registo de Patentes - Carlos Peixoto and Jorge Bernardino
#80 - Qualificação Pedagógica de Docentes do Ensino Superior – A Terceira Vaga - José Marques
Poster session
15:30 – 17:00 - Room A202
Chair: Jorge Lino
Co-Chair: Manuel Silva
#7 - pico-EV Eco Challenge in Japan: Administration - Yoshihiko Takahashi and Kazufumi Uda
#8 - Tools to Develop Quality of Life for Technical Thinkers in Various Generation Periods - Věra Strnadová and Petr Voborník
#12 - On Some Motivational Aspects of Study Performance - Dana Dobrovská and Pavel Andres
#13 - Scilab na Álgebra Linear - Paula Catarino and Paulo Vasco
#19 - Teamwork analysis - Florinda Martins and Eduarda Pinto Ferreira
#20 - Haptic Physics Learning - Luciano Santos and Carlos Vaz De Carvalho
#21 - Educação em Engenharia: Apontamentos sobre uma proposta de formação docente - Marinez Cargnin-Stieler, Marcelo C. M. Teixeira and Edvaldo Assunção
#31 - Ética na Robótica: que futuro estamos a construir? - Hugo Silva and Jorge Bernardino
#40 - Lean Engineering Education: bridging-the-gap between academy and industry - Anabela Alves, Franz-Josef Kahlen, Shannon Flumerfelt and Anna-Bella Siriban-Manalang
#49 - Level Monitoring System for Waste Oil Containers: An EPS@ISEP Project - Marcos Moura, Mihkel Tasa, Olga Olejniczak, Naeem Ahmad, Benedita Malheiro, António Ferreira Da Silva, Manuel Santos Silva, Maria Cristina Ribeiro, Nídia Sá Caetano, Paulo Ferreira and Pedro Guedes
#51 - Jogos Sérios para Investigação na Área do Comportamento Humano - Helder Costa, Carlos Vaz de Carvalho and Leonor Vaz de Carvalho
#53 - Interactive Light and Sound Table: An EPS@ISEP Project - Aare Reimus, Izabela Miklaszewska, María Ricondo, Toma Jurjonaite, Benedita Malheiro, António Ferreira Da Silva, Manuel Santos Silva, Maria Cristina Ribeiro, Nídia Sá Caetano, Paulo Ferreira and Pedro Guedes
#66 - Verticalização do Ensino Profissionalizante como Ferramenta contra Reprovações - Thiago C. Grilli, Henrique B. Rezende, Mathaus F. Silva, Carlos Wagner Moura and João Paulo P. N. Flauzino
#67 - Bringing Awareness to Hygiene and Safety Issues to the Young Stratum of Society - Susana Costa, Isabel F. Loureiro and Celina P. Leão
Closing session and awards presentation
17:00 – 17:40 - Room H202
Sábado, 2 de Novembro de 2013
Social event - Post-conference social program
10:00 – 14:00 - Porto Ribeira (Douro Cruise + Gastronomic Lunch)