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Building future through an innovated and digital skilled hospital

Project identification

Acronym: e-Hospital4Future
Grant Agreement: 101101190
Funding Institution: European Comission – Horizonte 2020 | call EU4H-2022-PJ-06
Start: 01-03-2023
Duration: 24 months
Funding: 2 360 393,27€
Coordination: Ana Maria Madureira (ISEP)

What is e-Hospital4Future?

A European taskforce to create training modules that would facilitate further education processes for staff working in the medical sector, that includes regular strengthening and updating knowledge in medicine. Additionally, the project aims to provide training in the field of emotional resilience and digital skills that become relevant in crisis situations. It is our intention not only to boost international cooperation in health, but also to strengthen national health systems through the development of digital tools and services, digital transformation of healthcare, and improving soft and hard skills of clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals at the European level.

e-Hospital4Future goals

  • Short-term: to raise awareness of the real specific training needs for the European healthcare professionals (clinical and non-clinical), including the digital skills profile
  • Medium-term: to develop training courses related to the needs of these professionals
  • Long-term: to empower the healthcare workforce with tools to better manage and deal with crisis situations and surge capacity

To create and disseminate new training programs and modules to enhance the healthcare workforce skills mainly at 3 different levels: soft, hard, and digital.


  • 🇵🇹 Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (Coordinator) - ISEP
  • 🇧🇪 Hogeschool PXL - PXL
  • 🇪🇸 Fundacio EURECAT - EUT
  • 🇮🇹 University of Naples Frederico II - UNINA
  • 🇳🇴 Hogskolen I Molde - HiMolde
  • 🇵🇹 Universidade Nova de Lisboa -UNL
  • 🇵🇹 Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto - CHUSA
  • 🇱🇻 Paula Stradina Kliniska Universitates Slimnica - PSKUS

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.