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e-Hospital4Future: Transforming Healthcare Training for a Digital Era

Abr 24, 2024


The e-Hospital4Future project, led by Prof Ana Madureira, aims to revolutionize healthcare training with innovative modules. Celebrating its one-year milestone, the project has made strides in pilot programs, engaging over 70 healthcare professionals and shaping 19 courses to enhance digital solutions for better patient care.

The e-Hospital4Future project, led by Prof Ana Madureira from ISEP - Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, aims to create innovative training modules for healthcare professionals in hospital settings.

The focus of e-Hospital4Future is to enhance the education process of health professionals by integrating social skills, technical skills, and digital skills modules.

We're delighted to announce that the eHealth4Future EU co-funded project has reached its one-year milestone with a successful second in-person transnational meeting held in Barcelona.

During this meeting, we engaged in fruitful discussions regarding the future of our project and had the opportunity to showcase the progress we have made thus far.

Our team has been diligently working on the development of pilot programs, and we're thrilled to share that more than 70 dedicated healthcare professionals have actively participated and provided invaluable feedback.
Their input has played a significant role in shaping our project's trajectory.

Currently, we are in the process of finalizing 19 courses. These courses aim to assist healthcare professionals in embracing digital solutions to enhance patient outcomes.

We are all excited about the potential impact this project can have in transforming the field of health.

If you are interested in learning more about our project or wish to get involved, please do not hesitate to reach out and connect.