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The Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC) arises as consequence of the numerous challenges emerging from current global social, political, financial and ecological contexts. These problems ask for holistic solutions based on research that transcends academic disciplines and can respond to real complex problems.

ISRC competences and resources encompassing a wide spectrum of research areas have been pooled together to promote its mission that consists in contributing and participating in the development of sustainable solutions to current and emerging challenges.


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José Carlos Quadrado, investigador do ISRC e pro-presidente do P.Porto,  a 20th Setembro de 2019, na conferência QS WORLDWIDE 2019, em ALMATY, Kazakhstan, apresentou a comunicação intitulada: “Increasing the individual creative engagement towards the Sustainable Development Goals implementation”.

(Published on Out 24, 2019)

The Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC) and the Organization and Management Department (DOG/ISEP) will hold a Master Class on October 31 by 18:00-19:30 in the Auditorium Vítor Santos, about Blockchain for Business.

(Published on Out 17, 2018)

The Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC) and the Organization and Management Department (DOG/ISEP) organized a Master Class on April 28 by 18:00-19:30 in the Auditorium Vítor Santos, with the theme: Waste not, want not.

(Published on Out 12, 2018)


The European Commission and other International institutions provide several funding opportunities to projects and organizations in the form of a call for proposals. This event aims to present members to the different opportunities present in the various typologies of funding, available, at both the national and European level.

(Published on Out 9, 2018)

Researchers are increasingly likely to receive invitations to review papers. It is an important task and a relevant service to the scientific community, but it requires high-level skills and the learning curve can be difficult. This workshop shares several insights collected in the vast literature published about this topic and steers  potential reviewers about how to review technical papers.

(Published on Set 24, 2018)