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Workshop "Synergizing Phygital Marketing through Multimodal Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality" in IEEE Melecon 2024

Jul 3, 2024

What a pleasure being at the IEEE Melecon 2024 conference, 25-27 June 2024 in Porto, Portugal! The workshop "Synergizing Phygital Marketing through Multimodal Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality" sparked lively discussions and great group work.

Ivo Pereira (Principal Investigator) from ISRC / ISEP / INESC-TEC / UFP, Inês César (Research Student) from ISRC / ISEP / INESC-TEC and Rogério Silva (Research Student) from ISRC / ISEP / INESC-TEC led the workshop and shared their knowledge about several topics, namely Multimodal AI, Metaverse, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Getting the best from the audience:
We used the Wheel of Names to get a random discussion of several topics, so that the participants could easier understand and participate in the project's activities. The group work was what made the workshop a success, it resulted in a flow of suggestions, questions and future ideas.

A Kahoot! quiz testing participants' project and module knowledge helped us to wind up the workshop. Always joyful and tuned in the project!

We closed the workshop with an experimental VR glasses session in which participants could experience VR glasses and interact with immersive content that exemplified the principles covered in the workshop.

Special thanks to Susana Nicola (Co-Principal Investigator) and Ana Madureira from ISRC / ISEP / INESC-TEC.

Thank you for having us, IEEE. And thank you to everyone who joined in the workshop!

This workshop was held as part of the PHYNHANCAI project.