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Workshop "e-Hospital4Future - Building future through an innovated and digital skilled hospital" in IEEE MELECON 2024

Jul 3, 2024

What a joy being at the IEEE Melecon 2024 conference, 25-27 June 2024 in Porto, Portugal! Our workshop "e-Hospital4Future - Building future through an innovated and digital skilled hospital" sparked lively discussions and great group work. 

Susana Nicola, Alexandre Gouveia, Ana Madureira, and Nuno Bettencourt led the workshop and shared their knowledge.

Joachim Gregoor, from Hogeschool PXL, joined in and shared his experiences teaching Emerging AI/Mixed Reality/Simulation Use in Health Care at Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António . This greatly enriched the conversation

Getting the best from the audience, we used an adaptation of the "Think, Pair, Share" method so that the participants could easier understand and participate in the project's activities. The group work was what made the workshop a success, it resulted in a flow of suggestions, questions and future ideas.

We wrapped up the workshop with a Kahoot! quiz, testing participants’ knowledge of the project and its modules. Always fun!

Thank you for having us, IEEE. And thank you to everyone who joined in the workshop!

From left to right: Alexandre Gouveia (ISEP), Susana Nicola (ISEP), João Ferreira (HiMolde), Ana Madureira (ISEP), Joachim Gregoor (PXL) and Luís Elvas (HiMolde).