June 10, 2024 - Honey+ @ Dia da Apicultura 2024

The Honey+ project was presented by the project leader, Cristina Delerue-Matos, and Sónia Soares, at the "Dia da Apicultura 2024 - Interação Apicultura-Agricultura: desafios no horizonte temporal do PEPAC 23/27" inserted in the "60ª Feira Nacional de Agricultura / 70ª Feira do Ribatejo", which was held in Santarém (Portugal).

May 21, 2024 - Webinar "Apicultura Sustentável: Qualidade, Saúde e Valorização do Mel no Contexto Global"
May 2, 2024 - News item @ "Público"
May 18, 2023 - World Bee Day

The United Nations proclaimed May 20 as World Bee Day in order to raise awareness of the importance of bees. On May 18, ISEP and REQUIMTE/LAQV embraced the challenge by providing a scientific morning to a group of mini-researchers from the Palmo e Meio Kindergarten, promoting the Honey+ Project.

 A special thanks to Nestlé and their project Juntos pelas abelhas (Together for the bees) which gave a book to each mini-researcher.



November 13, 2022 - News item @ "Perspetiva Atual"



October 14 and 15, 2021 - Sampling Campaign @ Parque Nacional de Montesinho



September 24, 2021

The European Researchers' Night is a public event in which the diversity of science and its impact on the daily lives of citizens is shown in fun and inspiring ways.

On September 24, 2021, the event took place in 29 countries.

Several researchers of the Honey+ project participated in the event in Porto (Castelo da Foz).

The chemical analyses of on honey was demonstrated in a mini-laboratory. Also, tasting of several honey-containing products delighted many of the attendants.



July 24, 2021
Cristina Delerue-Matos, principal investigator of the Honey+ project, presented the project together with Manuel Gonçalves and José Afonso (Associação de Apicultores do Parque Nacional de Montesinho), on July 24, 2021, in the Roteiro de Competências e de Inovação Regional, which took place in Bragança.

The presentations took place along a pedestrian path that began in the Spanish village of Riomanzanas, passing through the village of Guadramil and culminating in the village of Rio de Onor.

At this event, a brochure was presented that brings together the projects selected for the promotion of R&D activities to be carried out in the region of the Montesinho Natural Park.

The initiative was attended by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, who chaired the session; the Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Higher Education; the Secretary of State for the Enhancement of the Interior; the President of the North Region Coordination Commission; the President of FCT and the Ambassador of Portugal in Spain.