Every academic text, scientific article, report, dissertation, involves research, selection and evaluation of information sources. Retrieving and using selected information involves referring to the source (citation) throughout the written text. And, at the end of the document, all works mentioned in the text must be listed (bibliographical references).

In this context, the ISEP Library offers the following training sessions:


Search tools and information sources


Basic information about the library

ISEP Library resources

Identify search strategies for discovering and using information

Get to know sources of scientific information for searching and locating information available in the library and on the Web: B-on and other online resources

Identify and use scientific information search tools available via the Web and learn about their functionalities, in order to make the most of them in academic and research work and

Provide the student with skills in the selection and appropriate use of information sources, assist them in developing research and information evaluation skills.


Citation standards and bibliographic references: APA style


Preventing plagiarism: ethics and precautions

Identify the different types of documents

Develop skills in trainees for correct citation and referencing of sources

In-text citations and bibliographic references

• key concepts

• benefits

• standards


Mendeley Reference Manager/ Zotero


Provide trainees with the necessary skills to create, import and manage bibliographic references in Mendeley and Zotero;

Make known the possibilities for exporting bibliographic databases, repositories and other resources on the Web to Mendeley/Zotero;

Provide trainees with the necessary skills to integrate Mendeley/Zotero with MS-Word.


-» Mendeley/Zotero Essentials:

• registration and installation of the software (prerequisite);

• installation of plugins: Word add-in and Web importer;

• automatic insertion of bibliographic references;

• organization of documents (PDFs): creating folders, reading and annotating documents

Integration with Word

• insertion of citations in text

• presentation of the bibliography

• application of bibliographic styles (APA, Harvard, IEEE,…)

• quote editing