SoftCPS team members are deeply involved in several courses at the doctoral, master, post-graduation and undergrad levels. Please contact us for more information on current opportunities.

PhD Studies

SoftCPS offers PhD opportunities in the scope of its research activities, in the area of Software Technologies for Cyber-Physical Systems. PhD students with SoftCPS are hosted at ISEP and enrolled in Doctoral Program of reputed Universities, within existent collaborations and research projects. Current students are enrolled in the Engineering School of the University of Porto (FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) and the Technical University of Catalonia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

Research grants for PhD studies are usually provided for up to four years.

Master Courses

SoftCPS members are deeply involved in the Critical Computing Systems Engineering Master of ISEP. The Master provides a deep knowledge on topics and application areas to which critical computing systems are of paramount importance, like autonomous systems (automotive, rail), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), medical devices, banking, etc.

Members are also involved in the Informatics Engineering and the Artificial Intelligence Engineering Masters of ISEP.

Research grants for master students are usually provided for up to two years.

Post-Graduation Courses

The activities of SoftCPS are also relevant for the Post Graduate Programme In Internet Of Things, provided at ISEP. This programme focuses in the design and development of IoT systems, from interconnection with sensors and physical actuators, through the distributed architecture of collaboration between devices and Cloud architectures, as well as reliability, security and performance requirements.

Research grants for post graduate students can be provided for up to one year.

Undergrad Studies

The laboratory is open to support final undergrad projects, related to its areas of activity, in the scope of Informatics Engineering or Electrical and Computer Engineering bachelors.


SoftCPS also provides focused training courses, currently:

  • Safe programming in Rust

It is also possible to provide custom training courses.