SoftCPS researchers participate in CERCIRAS summer school

CERCIRAS is a research and innovation network, funded by COST (COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), addressing computing resource-usage trade-offs at specification, design, implementation, and run time. The efficient management of resources requires profound awareness of the local and global impact caused by parallel threads of applications on individual resources. Such awareness is crucial for academic researchers and industrial practitioners across all European and COST member countries, and, therefore, a strategic priority. Reaching this goal requires acting at two levels: (1) networking otherwise fragmented research efforts towards more holistic views of the problem and the solution; (2) leveraging appropriate educational and technology assets to improve the understanding and management of resources by the academia and industry of underperforming economies, in order to promote cooperation inside Europe and achieve economical and societal benefits.

One of the activities of the action is the CERCIRAS Training School 2023: Advanced Topics in Resource-Aware Computing, that took place September 4-9, 2023, in the facilities of the Riga Technical University, Latvia. In this event, SoftCPS researchers Luis Miguel Pinho and Tiago Carvalho were responsible for a lecture series on timing analysis of parallel real-time systems, where results of projects P-SOCRATES and AMPERES were taught to an audience of PhD and master students from the action partners.

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