QoS-Aware Cooperative Embedded Systems (CooperatES)

National funded project (PTDC/EIA/71624/2006).

Quality of Service (QoS) is considered an important user demand, receiving wide attention in real-time research. However, in most systems, users do not have any real influence over the QoS they can obtain, since service characteristics are fixed when the systems are initiated. Furthermore, applications (and their users) can differ enormously in their service requirements as well as in the resources which need to be available to them. These applications present increasingly complex demands on quality of service, reflected in multiple attributes over multiple quality dimensions. At the same time, the use of embedded devices with wireless network interfaces is growing rapidly. The increasing pervasiveness of these devices in the everyday life is changing the way computing systems are used and interact, creating a new, highly dynamic and decentralized environment.

CooperatES was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under grant PTDC/EIA/71624/2006.

The project was led by members of the SoftCPS laboratory, working in the distributed cooperation and offloading of computation between edge devices.

Budget: 74 K€ (ISEP)

Period: Jan 2008 to Dec 2010

Project coordinator: Luis Miguel Pinho

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