Embedded iNtelligent COntrols for bUildings with Renewable generAtion and storaGE (ENCOURAGE)

Artemis Joint Undertaking grant agreement 269354.

The ENCOURAGE project aims to develop embedded intelligence and integration technologies that will directly optimise energy use (20% savings) in buildings and enable active participation in the future smart grid environment by developing supervisory control strategies and orchestrating device operation, supporting inter-building energy exchange and through novel virtual sub-metering technologies and event-based middleware application supporting advanced monitoring and diagnostics concepts.

Funded within the Artemis Joint Undertaking from the European Union’s FP7 Programme and the National Authorities, under grant agreement 269354.

The participation of ISEP was led by members of the SoftCPS laboratory, leading WP8 (Dissemination), and working in publish-subscribe middleware.

Website: https://artemis-ia.eu/project/35-encourage.html

Budget: 6 M€ (Total), 266 K€ (ISEP)

Period: June 2011 to November 2014

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