OPtimization of Electric Vehicle Autonomy (OPEVA)

Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) grant agreement 101097267.

The main objective of the OPEVA project is to explore the benefits that can be obtained from the interaction between the multiple actors involved in the modern “mobility experience” in order to optimize the autonomy of electric vehicles in a modern world which also requires consider sustainability and resource optimization. This translates into developing an energy-efficient power train and dynamic routing, into improving accurate range prediction techniques, improving EV grid integration, developing efficient charging technologies and guaranteeing a wider EV adoption. To accelerate the deployment of sustainable electric vehicles (EV) and improve EV market penetration, the project aims to develop technological solutions involving the overall ecosystem, thereby addressing limiting psychological factors such as range anxiety, high price, limited charging facilities, and duration of charging. The OPEVA will contribute to the key application area on Mobility and a number of major long-term challenges including embedded software, edge computing and embedded artificial intelligence. The project identifies six technology domains, involving 23 key technologies, and four non-technical domains which must be developed to move from conventional EVs to sustainable EVs. The project achievements will be tested in 9 collaborative demonstrators.

The participation of ISEP is led by the SoftCPS laboratory, leading WP1 (Requirement Analysis) and working in the design of the communication interfaces and the flexible scheduling of charging loads.

Funded within the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme and the National Authorities, under grant agreement 101097267.

Website: https://opeva.eu/

Budget: 23 M€ (Total), 380 K€ (ISEP)

Period: January 2023 to December 2025

SoftCPS Responsible: Luis Lino Ferreira

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