Ricardo Severino

Senior Researcher, Invited Professor

Ricardo Severino holds a Ph.D. (2015) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Porto, Portugal. He also holds a B.Sc. (2004), a Licentiate (2006), and a M.Sc. (2008) degree in Electric and Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Porto – School of Engineering, Portugal.

He has over 17 years of experience in the topics of Quality of Service in Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT, focusing on timeliness, reliability, and scalability aspects, and relevant work in the topics of co-simulation and validation of Cooperative Autonomous Systems.

He has been involved in several national and international research projects, with leading roles, such as in the case of SafeCOP ECSEL project – leading WP3 on safe and secure wireless communications or ADACORSA (ECSEL) of which he was Principal Investigator at ISEP.

He served as a reviewer at several IEEE/ACM conferences and Journals (IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, ACM TSN, Springer Real Time systems Journal (TIME), IEEE Access, Hindawi International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, MDPI Sensors among others.

He is particularly interested in safe and cyber-secure cooperation of cyber-physical systems, and on their validation, particularly in regard to critical QoS properties.

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