SoftCPS student members receive awards

SoftCPS members Tiago Fonseca (PhD student) and Miguel Oliveira (past Master student) received merit awards of the Computer Engineering Department of ISEP, in a ceremony that took place July 11.

Tiago Fonseca received the merit diploma for the academic achievements in the Artificial Intelligence Engineering Master, which is given to students with a final grade of 16 or higher. Tiago did his master thesis in the scope of SoftCPS, with the title “A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach to Integrate Flexible Assets into Energy Communities”. Tiago is currently doing his PhD with SoftCPS.

Miguel Oliveira received the merit diploma for the academic achievements, as well as the best student award, in the Critical Computing Systems Engineering Master. Miguel did his master thesis in the scope of SoftCPS, with the title “Towards the simulation of cooperative perception applications by leveraging distributed sensing infrastructures”. Miguel is now with industry.

SoftCPS congratulates both students, wishing them success in their future activities.  

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