SoftCPS participates in the joint technology workshop of Arrowhead fPVN and AIMS5.0 projects

SoftCPS researcher Luis Lino Ferreira represented SoftCPS on the joint workshop of Chips JU (previously KDT JU) projects Arrowhead fPVN and AIMS 5.0, which took place in Lulea, Sweden, 23-25 January 2024. The goal of the workshop was to discuss the technology innovations being developed in the two projects, promoting synergies and critical mass.

In Arrowhead, SoftCPS is involved in the development of a solution for protocol translation, mainly addressing the runtime deployment of translator services and the translation between different communication middleware. We are also tackling new solution for device authentication, based on radio frequency signature and on the usage of covert channels. Co-simulation solutions for autonomous vehicles are also being developed in integration with the Arrowhead framework, to exploit deployed IoT sensing infrastructures on the road.

The Arrowhead flexible Production Value Network (fPVN) project is funded within the Chips Joint Undertaking (previously KDT JU) from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme and the National Authorities, under grant agreement 101111977.

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