Mai 19, 2021


We are happy to announce the keynote speakers: Montserrat Termes-Rifé and João Feliciano (22/09); Cecília Tortajada (23/09); Wolf Merkel (24/09).

All invited keynote speakers have confirmed their availability and interest in participating in our conferences.

- Montserrat Termes-Rifé and João Feliciano - Keynote Sesssion 1 (22 Sept.): Urban water systems analysis and sustainability;

- Cecília Tortajada - Keynote Sesssion 2 (23 Sept.): Pulling E2S (Economy, Engineering, Statistics) triangle to rethink urban water management;

- Wolf Merkel - Keynote Sesssion 3 (24 Sept.): Rethinking treatment with asset management and the key role of data analytics.