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Scientific Writing Workshop

Set 24, 2018


Researchers are increasingly likely to receive invitations to review papers. It is an important task and a relevant service to the scientific community, but it requires high-level skills and the learning curve can be difficult. This workshop shares several insights collected in the vast literature published about this topic and steers  potential reviewers about how to review technical papers.

Researchers are increasingly likely to receive invitations to review papers. It is an important task and a relevant service to the scientific community, but it requires high-level skills and the learning curve can be difficult. Writing a good review requires expertise in the area, knowledge of the methods and algorithms and a critical perspective. Furthermore, it is important to have the ability to provide fair and constructive review comments, and some diplomacy and sensitivity in what concerns the authors. Most academic institutions and scientific organizations celebrate the essential role of peer review in improving the quality of the accepted and published manuscripts. This workshop shares several insights collected in the vast literature published about this topic and steers  potential reviewers about how to review technical papers.

The workshop was presented by J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Principal Coordinator Professor at ISEP and ISRC Coordinator.