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The Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC) arises as consequence of the numerous challenges emerging from current global social, political, financial and ecological contexts. These problems ask for holistic solutions based on research that transcends academic disciplines and can respond to real complex problems.

ISRC competences and resources encompassing a wide spectrum of research areas have been pooled together to promote its mission that consists in contributing and participating in the development of sustainable solutions to current and emerging challenges.


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The REMARO ETN (https://remaro.eu/) is a consortium of recognized submarine AI experts, software reliability experts, and a marine safety certification agency created to educate 15 ESRs able to realize the vision of reliable autonomy for underwater applications. Prof. Ana Maria Madureira from ISEP supervised the PhD student Martin Aubard work with the aim to perform safety analysis for navigation and surveying AUVs to mitigate and overcome risks.

Prof. Ana Madureira participated at REMARO's Final Event in Bremen that took place on the 26th and 27th of September, at the DFKI German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics Innovation Center, Bremen, Germany.

(Published on Out 30, 2024)

On September 17-18, 2024, the Paula Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital hosted the international conference "Innovations and Digital Technologies in Healthcare." This event was part of the European Union Health Program's e-Hospital4Future project.
Leading European digital health specialists and experts delivered training programs on digital healthcare technologies.

As part of the e-Hospital4Future project, 19 training modules for medical professionals have been created for both online and in-person instruction. These courses were developed in partnership with European universities, technology institutes, and hospitals from eight countries.

Ana Maria Madureira, Project Coordinator, from Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (Portugal), gave the introductory talk on data-driven healthcare.

(Published on Out 29, 2024)


IEEE Region 8 Committee meeting in Bordeaux, France, October 19-20, 2024. This has been a one-of-a-kind experience: making new connections from all over the region, sharing ideas and dreams, looking ahead, and nurturing future generations of scientists and professionals. It has been amazing to see so many role models for our civil and professional communities: thank you for everything you have done and continue to do! Contributing to the progress of research, technology, and applications; supporting social, economic, and well-being advancement for the benefit of people, the environment, and all living beings.


(Published on Out 29, 2024)


At the Encontro Ciência 2024 (Porto, 3-5 July 2024), the INESC group hosted the session “Advancing Intelligent Care: Bridging AI and Health Systems through INESC Innovations” under the conference motto “Science for Health and Global Well-Being“. This event brought together researchers from the five INESC institutions – INESC Coimbra, INESC-ID, INESC-MN, INESC INOV, and INESC TEC – along with healthcare stakeholders.

“Encontro Ciência” is the major science conference organized by the Portuguese Government through the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education (MCTES), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Universidade do Porto, and Ciência Viva. Held annually, the conference highlights Portugal’s key achievements in science and technology.

Ana Madureira (ISEP and INESC INOV) introduced the “e-Hospital4Future” project, which aims to build a digitally skilled and innovative hospital for the future.


(Published on Jul 12, 2024)


What a pleasure being at the IEEE Melecon 2024 conference, 25-27 June 2024 in Porto, Portugal! The workshop "Synergizing Phygital Marketing through Multimodal Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality" sparked lively discussions and great group work.

Ivo Pereira (Principal Investigator) from ISRC / ISEP / INESC-TEC / UFP, Inês César (Research Student) from ISRC / ISEP / INESC-TEC and Rogério Silva (Research Student) from ISRC / ISEP / INESC-TEC led the workshop and shared their knowledge about several topics, namely Multimodal AI, Metaverse, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Getting the best from the audience:
We used the Wheel of Names to get a random discussion of several topics, so that the participants could easier understand and participate in the project's activities. The group work was what made the workshop a success, it resulted in a flow of suggestions, questions and future ideas.

A Kahoot! quiz testing participants' project and module knowledge helped us to wind up the workshop. Always joyful and tuned in the project!

We closed the workshop with an experimental VR glasses session in which participants could experience VR glasses and interact with immersive content that exemplified the principles covered in the workshop.

Special thanks to Susana Nicola (Co-Principal Investigator) and Ana Madureira from ISRC / ISEP / INESC-TEC.

Thank you for having us, IEEE. And thank you to everyone who joined in the workshop!

This workshop was held as part of the PHYNHANCAI project.

(Published on Jul 3, 2024)